Monday, February 27, 2017

     Are you privileged?  Many of us who live in the West are.  Born into affluence, largely white, having access to good educational opportunities, bred to seek greater and greater success (whatever that is), we occupy positions of power, broadly speaking, which few other people on the planet share.
     Yesterday, as I was mingling with the congregants of an Unitarian Universalist church which I attend occasionally, primarily to dialogue with fellow members of the atheist discussion group in which I participate, I came across this observation:

"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression"

     How true, I thought, how true:  privilege tends to color how we see everything else. On the other hand, consider the radical counterintuitivity of the imperative, rooted deeply in the pages of the Hebrew and Christian Bibles, that for those to whom much has been given, much is required.  Sharing out of our abundance, particularly in a way that results in increased equality of opportunity for all people, is in no way oppression.  Quite the opposite.  It simply affirms the fact of God's love for every human being.

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