Monday, April 17, 2017

     Easter has come, and we can never be the same.  In the wonder of Easter, we see light as it was most meant to be:  the total and absolute witness of God's love for what he made.
"Resurrection" by El Greco

     Out of the absolute darkness and nothingness of Good Friday, Easter's light, the greatest light of all, rises.  Easter's light is a light that eclipses and encompasses all others, a light that changes history, bends space, and permanently alters all our notions of meaning and time.  Easter's light is the light of resurrection.
     Nonsensical, unbelievable, unfathomable, yet entirely true, Easter's light, the light of supernality and new life, tells us that though we will one day die, we will live again, forever.
     How can life ever be the same?

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