Friday, April 21, 2017

     As May and June approach, many of us about looking at transitions.  Perhaps we are graduating from an educational institution, perhaps we are hoping for a change of pace over the summer, perhaps we are expecting a baby, perhaps we are looking to begin a new job or, conversely, maybe we are looking at loss, the death of a spouse, parent, or other loved one.  Or maybe we are simply contemplating a new day.
Image result for country road photos

     Yet as Albert Einstein pointed out over a century ago, ultimately, time, and space, are relative.  And as quantum mechanics has established, we cannot measure position and velocity at the same time. Even though we live through countless transitions in the course of our lives, we never really know, physically and theologically speaking, where precisely we are--and where, precisely, we are going.
     But that's OK.  We're here, God's here and, despite our ignorance and life's unpredictability, we keep going, trucking through a meaningful and purposeful universe.
     Wherever we are, whatever we encounter, we are walking in the love of God.

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