Sunday, December 31, 2017

     "Then the dust [of the deceased human being] will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.  'Vanity of vanities,' says the Preacher, all lis vanity!'" (Ecclesiastes 12)

Image result for dust photos     So is existence without a God.  We are born, we live, we die.  Then our dust returns to the earth from whence we came, and we are no more.  Life is glorious, life is grand, but life is over, its wonders, hopes, and dreams indeed well lived, but now forever gone.
     And where are we then?  As the New Year dawns, consider your life.  Consider what you are doing, think about what you believe, ponder where you are going.  Remember your finitude, yet remember that you were created.  And step into the joy of knowing and living a life in a world of purpose, a world of point, a world intended and created, a world made for you, by God.
     Touch the object and heart of existence.
     Happy New Year!

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