Tuesday, December 12, 2017

     Integral to faith is steadfastess in privation.  Faith is the ability to believe even in times of loss, even in times of downturn and disappointment.  As the psalmist remarks (Psalm 116), "I believed, therefore I spoke."
Image result for hip diagram     So I speak.  You may recall that this past July I had emergency surgery to repair a fracture in the neck of my femur.  Unfortunately, despite the surgeon's best efforts, the bone he repaired has failed to fully close and heal.  X-rays still show a fracture line, and although I am highly mobile, I still, on occasion, limp.
     The solution?  To go back in, remove the existing bone, and put in a new one.  The wonders of modern medical technology.  Happily, my recovery time from this surgery will be much shorter than that of my previous surgery.  Nonetheless, I will likely not be posting for a while.
     On the other hand, as Advent continues to unfold its wondrous mystery, I encourage you to seek ever greater insight into its all encompassing explanation for human destiny, how God becoming flesh brings all things, material and ethereal, together, to eternal and life changing effect.  Such a thing is difficult to picture, yes, but we strive in vain to find another reason as to why we are personal and moral beings.
     We speak to God, God speaks to us.  We believe in God, God believes in us.
     Thanks again for reading.  Hope to write soon!

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