Thursday, January 11, 2018

    A few weeks ago, some tobacco companies placed a full page notice in leading American newspapers that stated, basically, smoking cigarettes can lead to death.  While this sounds highly considerate of the American consumer, the companies in fact only posted the notice because a court ordered them to do so.
     It is well known that tobacco companies had been aware for decades that smoking was harmful and addictive.  Yet they continued to market and sell cigarettes throughout the United States as well as all other corners of the world.  Despite this most recent notice, they still do.
     Although none of us is ethically consistent, I cannot help but wonder why these companies continued to sell a product which they knew was deadly to those who used it.  These companies are run by people, humans like us, people with families, people with hopes, people with dreams, people who, in other circumstances, might go out of their way to help another person.
     Ah, the human will and imagination:  so marvelous, yet so deadly, even to itself.
     Is this really how God wants us to be?

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