Monday, February 26, 2018

     What is the measure of a life?  I have thought about this much as I consider the life of Billy Graham, who passed away last week at the age of 99.  For over fifty years, Graham traveled around the world preaching the love and good news of Jesus.  Although he made some mistakes along the way (don't we all?), mistakes which he readily acknowledged, he never lost his integrity.  Graham exemplified the ideal church elder who, as Paul puts it in 1 Timothy, is a person "beyond reproach."  Even now, we cannot really impugn him.  For anything.

Image result for billy graham     Although Graham is gone physically, his spiritual legacy very much remains.  He touched millions of lives, lives which will outlive him, lives which will in turn touch millions of other lives, touching them with the news that God, a loving God is very present to us.  That in Jesus Christ, God can be known.
     We all live for many things, most of them worthwhile.  As we should.  And when we are gone, many of these things will still exist, will still impact the world.  Yet all of these things will, in the big picture, matter little if the universe has no rhyme, reason, or point.  One day everything will be gone.
     And where will we be?
     Thanks, Billy Graham, for showing us there is more.

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