Wednesday, February 21, 2018

     Because so much has been said about the recent school killings in Florida, I hestitate to say anything more.  I will, however, make a brief observation.  It seems that the discussions about gun control, which I endorse, as well as the affirmation about the presence of the Second Amendment, a fact which is difficult to deny, well intentioned as these may be, miss the point.

Media image for student protestors florida from TIME
     That is, Americans should rather be asking themselves what sort of culture we are creating that increasing numbers of people feel as if the only way they can express themselves is by shooting people?  What is it about America that induces people to engage in these mass shootings?  What have we allowed or done that has created this moral landscape?
     A large percentage of Americans, perhaps the largest per capita percentage in the Western world, insist they are religious, and that they, more often than not, believe in God.
     Does anyone sense a disconnect?  Although I do not pretend to have the full counsel of God, I think I am safe in saying that God would prefer, all things considered, for human beings to think less about their own "rights" and more about the rights of others.
     And to think about morality not as an instrument of individual goodness but as a acknowledgement of individual humility.  

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