Friday, April 13, 2018

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     At least in the Western Hemisphere, today is Friday the 13th.  If you are of a superstitious bent, you may sense an omen.  Or a portent.  Isn't it curious that, even in this so-called scientific age, the age of rationality and reason, many of us persist in entertaining these types of mythologies?  While we may have rejected notions of the supernatural or have perhaps redefined them to our liking, we still cling to our myths.
     Why?  Many reasons, but it seems that the major one is this:  we cannot do without invoking some measure of "beyondness" to understand who and where we are.  We cannot live without acknowledging that, despite everything we know, we sense the need for something more, something with which to understand what it all means.  It could be superstition, it could be omen, it could be mythology, it could even be (gasp!), God.
     As a French writer pointed out a number of years ago, we cannot live without this "incredible" need to believe.

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