Tuesday, April 17, 2018

     No one enjoys paying taxes.  No one likes giving up their money to a government which they believe is not spending it wisely.  Ironically, however, few of us stop to appreciate that paying taxes is a privilege, a "perk" that attends working for a living.  If we do not work, sure, we do not pay taxes.  But wouldn't you rather be working?
     According to the New Testament (Romans 13) because governments are ordained by God and exist for our good, we pay our taxes.  But this raises other questions.  Does God ordain every government--even clearly evil ones?
     It's an extremely difficult position.  What is God really thinking?  I do not pretend to know.  But I will say that maybe the point is rather that, this dilemma notwithstanding, we pay taxes because we believe that regardless of how the world looks, God remains in it, working out his purposes for it.  It's a good world with good people.  It is a world created by and infused with God.  It's also a world in which, as a result, we are present.
    Therefore, in the biggest possible picture, everything, though we do not always see or know it, has a point.  Even taxes.

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