Thursday, May 24, 2018

     What's apocalyptic?  From most of us, it points to a cataclysmic event, a pivotal moment, a titanic shift of space and time that reshapes the nature of reality.  Historians talk about it, theologians expound on it, and everyone else ponders how it fits into the end of the world.

Apocalypse, Mountains, Landscape, Dark     Although the world will not end for many more billions of years, the idea of an apocalypse fascinates us.  We love its intrigue, its power, its possibility.  We would love to know, really, how everything will come to a close, how this unspeakably vast cosmos will one day draw to its nadir, its denouement.  Will it be an end of power?  Or will it be a closure of gentle rumbling?

     For all of our intellectually driven sensibilities, we remain creatures of the recondite and unknown.  We love to see what we cannot see.
     But where, in a dark universe absent of God, do we find the light?
     We all know we need it.

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