Friday, May 25, 2018

     Jesus?  As the Christian church in America continues to roil with political fulmination, a group of clergy from a wide span of Catholic and Protestant tradition developed a video in which they urged its listeners to think anew about what invoking the name of Jesus really means.
     (View the link:

Jesus of Nazareth     Christians can certainly disagree on political issues and positions.  Indeed, they should:  we do not wish to be robots!  When those debating invoke the name of Jesus, however, we have problems:  which Jesus are we talking about?  Or as Rod Steiger, playing Pontius Pilate in Franco Zefferelli's movie Jesus of Nazereth, asked Jesus' accusers, "Whose Jesus?" [are you bringing before me]
     It's a very good question.  Whose Jesus, indeed?
     Jesus is far more than a political football.  Ultimately, he is the infinite and, we should always realize, not fully fathomable, God.
     Be careful, exceedingly careful, in how you use him.

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