Thursday, June 14, 2018

     "In His grip" ends many letters people of faith, particularly Christians, write to each other.  In saying this, these people are reminding their readers, as well as themselves, that despite the many twists and turns their lives make, ultimately, their lives are in the hands of God.  In the end, regardless of circumstance, God will have his way.  And they're OK with this.
     In some ways, this sounds unfair.  Here we are, little human beings on a very big planet, trying earnestly to live a meaningful and enriching life, seeking, amidst the countless permutations of existence, to find a path forward.  And then along comes this big bad God, a God who is trying, seemingly heedless of what we may want, to ensure that his desire, and only his desire, is fulfilled.  We have no input into what ultimately happens.  Why should we bother?
     I guess it's our choice.  Either we believe we are free in a meaningless universe, or we believe we are free in a meaningful universe.  Choose the first, we struggle all of our days to make our lives count.  Choose the second, we also struggle all of our days to make our lives count.  But we can't have it both ways.
     On the whole, I would rather struggle with God.  I may doubt, I may wonder; I may fight, I may writhe.  In the end, however, I will not find anything unless it is there to be found.
     And emptiness is never full.

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