Friday, June 15, 2018

Image result for squash bugs     Have you seen them?  I speak of what is popularly called a "squash bug" (its proper name is leaf-footed bug).  A curious little insect, a squash bug seems to turn up everywhere lately, outside as well as inside our house.  It doesn't seem to be after anything, nor is it ever aggressive.  It simply walks around, stops and hangs out, then walks some more.  We have watched some of them walk all around the molding on our living room ceiling--and then walk all around again.
     So we wonder:  why do these insects exist?  I don't know.  But they are here, and like I do, they live, and like I will, one day they will die.  Somehow, some way, it all fits together.  We all play a part in the cycle of life, the grand circle of existence, we all spin madly through this world, walking, talking, being.
     And then what?  Oh, little insect, do you believe there's a God?

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