Friday, November 15, 2019

Image result for gillian jagger artwork     The recently deceased artist Gillian Jagger (no relation to MIck) once said, "I felt that nature held the truth I wanted."  Jagger understand the human being very well.  Rarely do we find the truth in ourselves:  we need another perspective, one outside of ourselves, to discern what might be ultimately true.  For Jagger, it was nature; for others, it is science; for some, it is spirituality and religion; for still others, it is God.

     "What's truth?" Pontius Pilate asked Jesus.  Jesus didn't answer.  When we look at Jagger's art, we might see why.  As one critic said of her work, "Sometimes it felt like it was shattering.  It's not work that lies and sleeps.  It's work that kind of shakes one."
     If truth doesn't shatter us, it's not worth knowing.

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