Friday, November 1, 2019

mountain peak under blue sky     Yesterday, we thought about Halloween, the night of the hidden, the dead and gone.  In contrast, today we think about All Souls Day.  In Halloween or, to use the Celtic term, Samhain, we remember what we never knew, the dark, the mysterious, the frightening and awe-ful.  All Souls Day takes us into the other side, the bright, the future, the promise, the life beyond life before which we may be amazed, but rarely cower:  it is part of who we are.
     Earthly memory tells us who we were.  Eternal memory tells us where we will one day be.  Remember those who have preceded you in passing; think about the many memories you and they share, the sundry times and encounters you have had.  Then consider the full weight, the total import of what they mean, mean to you, mean to the world:  the darkness of Samhain cannot be without the light of what it follows it.  Apart from light, darkness cannot be.

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