Thursday, July 9, 2020

10 Sephirot     I do not dispute that these things are true.  But such laudation is nothing more than a being congratulating herself on being herself!  It has no real basis in external fact.  It's praise given through the lens of the one praising.  This is in large part why various scientists and philosophers have concluded that, on balance, human beings are little more than the accidental products of a lengthy evolutionary process. Outside of themselves, they have no meaning.

     Most of us like to think that human beings are special, even holy or sacred.  If we're asked why, however, many of us will likely reply that, well, isn't it obvious?  Are not human beings capable of amazing things?  Are not human beings extraordinary in ways that the other animals are not?  And so on.
     Unfortunately, they're absolutely right.  Unless there is something bigger than the human being.  The Zohar, part of the legendary, and largely misunderstood, Jewish Kabbalah, makes the point that the human being is a creature, yes, but it is a creature that it is an event.  The human being is an event in a drama in a world made by an eventful God.
     Indeed, if the world is an accident, it's not even a play.

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