Thursday, April 7, 2022

Racing against the spread of hunger in East Africa | World Vision

     Do you like food?  Most of us do, at least for a while.  I ask because when we hosted some friends for dinner recently, they mentioned that the next night they planned to attend a presentation, in a theater, by a professional "foodie," who would display his cooking acumen and culinary skills.  I suspect the wife was much more enthusiastic about the prospect than her husband!

    Not that I would tell anyone to avoid attending such things.  When the next morning I opened the newspaper to read, again, however, about the hunger rippling through sub-Saharan Africa in the wake of the breakdown in wheat imports from Russia and Ukraine, I nearly wept.  I nearly wept at the plight of these poor and unfortunate souls, and I nearly wept at the heartbreaking disparity between our lot and theirs.  Very few of us know people who go hungry, night after night after night.  Very few of us know people for whom finding food is a major, even all day, event.

    But millions and millions of people experience hunger.  Constantly.  What can we do?  Give.  Give money to organizations feeding the hungry.  Give time to organizations feeding the hungry.  Give moments to prayer, prayer for those suffering, prayer for those helping them.

    And don't blame.  Believe.  Believe in the fundamental worth of the human being.  We live in a transcendently loved world.

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