Thursday, April 21, 2022

John Muir c1902.jpg

     "The mountains are calling me," said the Scottish born American naturalist John Muir, "and to the mountains I must go."

    Today is John Muir's birthday.  We have much for which to be grateful to Muir.  Because of his work with president Theodore Roosevelt, we can enjoy hundreds of national parks, each one a unique expression of the wonder of the creation.  Deep in the Sierra  Nevada mountains of California is a 210 mile long trail named after him.  It is spectacular, a weeks long trek along the 12,000 foot Sierra Crest.  Many decades ago I hiked it:  it changed my life.

    Whether the mountains are calling you or not, listen to what the creation is saying to you.  Listen to the presence of the transcendent meaning it bequeaths.

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