Thursday, June 16, 2022

Hunting with Eagles

    Falconry.  One of the most ancient expressions of humans connecting with other animals, falconry is still practiced in many parts of the world today.  Falconry presents a striking picture of human beings bonding with another animal to the benefit of both.  Not exploitative but an art that allows the falcon to be itself even while it grows alongside a human being, falconry reminds us of the incredible possibilities of human and animal exchange.

    I think of a person named Hidetoshi Matsubara, highlighted in a blog recently published by the clothing company Patagonia.  For many decades, Matsubara has made falconry his calling, raising, tending, and enabling them through countless seasons of summer, winter, spring, and autumn, making them the near essence of his life's calling.

    Some might call Matsubara's pursuit folly, others misplaced; still others a quest for the wrong thing.  Ours, however, is not to judge, but rather wonder:  what does Matsubara's affinity with falcons say about our potential as human beings?

Image result for Hidetoshi Matsubara

    Maybe we really are, as Genesis 1 points out, made to love and steward the earth and all that is in it, to make it our life mission to care for and nurture the earth even while we care for and nurture ourselves.

    Maybe we are not the only ones who matter to this planet.


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