Friday, June 10, 2022

      It was my dear aunt Jeanne who introduced me to the art of Paul Gaugin.  Over twenty years ago, she and my mother traveled to Chicago to take in an exhibit of his work at the Art Institute.  I'm so happy she did.  Today, Gaugin is most well known for his depictions of the people of Tahiti, the island on which he spent his later years.  These paintings depict another world, a world very different from the frenetic world of the West, a world of rest and leisure, openness and unconstructed possibility, a world which people do not try to shape for their own ends, but a world they allow to speak to them.  And from which they learn.

Image result for day of the god gauguin

    To let the world be as it should be.
    The freneticism of the West often blinds it to what life really is:  a gift from God.  A gift not to be taken lightly.
     Thanks, Monsieur Gaugin, for helping us see beyond our cultural ken.  Happy trails.

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