Friday, July 27, 2012

     Because we have been created with speech, the meaningful speech of a meaningful creator who freely chose to speak us and the cosmos into being, we have more meaning than we can possibly imagine.  We can therefore conclude that although we will never understand everything about our existence, we can understand and communicate with one who does.  We can further conclude that if we choose to embrace the full truth of Word became flesh, that Jesus is indeed God become human being, the eternal fount of truth and meaning made visible in material experience, we will see and grasp everything we need to know.  And we understand that one day, life will no longer be a frustratingly finite and heartbreakingly terminal mystery.  We will know.
     Yet it all begins, as does everything else, with speech.  So, speak.  Speak and experience who you are, speak and experience who you can be, speak and experience the truth about the way the world is made.  Most importantly, speak, and know and believe that God is there, listening and ready to respond.  Speak, and experience your creator, speak and know your maker.  Speak, and find the meaning that is your true life and home.

(Excerpted from It's All in a Word, by William E. Marsh, © 2012)

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