Friday, July 6, 2012

     Where are we?  Well, you might say, we know that we are on a planet that is part of a solar system that is part of a galaxy that is part of and situated in a universe.  True enough, but where is the universe?  In space, you might say, but where, I might reply, is space?  Space simply is, you may respond, but is space everything?  And how would we know?
     We can only be "somewhere" if there is a "where" for it to "be" in.  And there can only be a "where" if there is a "where" in which it, in turn, can be in.  If this is so, however, from where did this "where" come?  And from where did its "where" come?  We'll never see the end of it.
     We are only "somewhere" if there is a "where" that has always been there, a "where" that in and of itself, and in and of itself alone, is "somewhere," once, now, always, and forever.
     We are only somewhere if there is a God.

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