Monday, July 9, 2012

          While God is indeed sovereign, fully capable of moving any and all things to execute his will and purpose, God is also a deity who expresses, repeatedly, his love and concern for us, we frail human beings who occupy the world he made.  It is God's love that most fully expresses who he is to us.
     Many centuries ago, when the prophet Elijah (as the author of 1 Kings 19 records the incident), rightly frightened at the threats of the pagan queen Jezebel to end his life, as she put it, "tomorrow," ensconsed himself on a desert mountain, God made this very clear to Elijah and, today, to us.
     Initially, as the text tells us, God dazzled Elijah with, first, a powerful wind; second, an earthquake; and third, a fearsome fire.  However, we read, God "was not in" these things.  But then Elijah heard the sound of a "gentle blowing" (or, depending on the translation, a quiet whisper or a soothing or hidden breeze).  And out of this gentle blowing, God spoke to him.
     Although God displayed his power to Elijah, when he spoke to him directly, he did so as a gentle blowing, a soothing breeze.  He spoke kindly.
     As he will to us.  Ultimately, God is a God of kindness, a God of love and care, a God whose deepest nature is to love, to love you, to love me.  God loves us, loves us as we were, as we are, as we will be.
     When all else fails, when everything else seems to crumble and fall apart, remember this:  God is love.
     Feel the gentle blowing.

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