Tuesday, December 11, 2012

     A line in a novel which I read recently observed that, "One day, there will be nothing left."  This is a truely radical thought.  And in the absence of a God, it is entirely true.  But what, really, is nothing?  And how there be nothing if there is, truly, nothing?
     It is so difficult for we who are something to imagine nothing.  It is counterintuitive to who we are.  And perhaps that's the point.  Perhaps that's why we have so much difficulty (and, for some, terror) imagining it.  We are something, made to be something, made to engage in something.  We are made to long for something, the something that explains our somethingness.
     How could Jesus, the one whose goings forth, as the prophet Micah observed, "have been from long ago," have been nothing?  Indeed:  we are made to long for the "somethingness" of God.

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