Wednesday, December 5, 2012

     "To be or not to be," says Shakespeare's Hamlet, "that is the question."  Indeed:  it is the question.  Every moment of every day, we bump into this question.  Should we choose to embrace life with its joys and challenges, or do we run away from it, ensconsing ourselves in philosophical oblivion.  The choice is always ours.
     As it was for George Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life.  Though he didn't want to live, he eventually was persuaded that he really did.  He chose existence over its absence.
     But why do we pursue existence?  More often than not, it is because we do not wish to leave it.  And why is this?  Simply, we think that this existence is the only one we have.  From our mortal vantage point, this existence seems to be, in itself, the beginning and end.  It's it.
     And perhaps it is.  But have we really come from nothingness?  And we will really one day return to the same?  Have we really never had a point?
     It's enough to make one believe in God.

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