Tuesday, February 26, 2013

     Can we ignore God?  Well, yes.  We can ignore God, we can conclude that he is not there and that we don't need to bother with him.  We can say that he is a word devoid of content.
     But what are we really saying?  Although we can ignore someone who absolutely doesn't exist, we cannot legitimately ignore someone whose existence remains, if we are honest, an open question.
     We can only ignore what has been proven to be absolutely false.  We cannot ignore what has never been proven to be patently and wholly false.  Also, we need to be mindful that
     Besides, the tools we use to prove anything true or false are nothing more than what we ourselves devise: we're only proving or falsifying our own limits.
     Ignorance, whether of God or anything else, in the end is no more than a function of what we already think we know.  It's never the final word.
     Are your eyes open?

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