Wednesday, February 20, 2013

     Is God foolish?  To some, yes:  God is a fool to think that we will believe in the story of Jesus, a fool to think that we will believe that a person who claimed to be God came to earth, lived, died, and rose from the dead.  As Paul writes in his first letter to the church at Rome (chapter one), to the Gentiles (meaning those in his audience who were not Jewish), the cross, that is, the unspeakably painful sacrifice that Jesus made for humanity, is "foolishness."
     Clearly, what some believe by faith, others will assert denies what is rational and real.  But maybe that's the point:  if God made perfect sense, if God fit neatly into what we believe reality to be, why would we need him anyway?  Why would we care?
     It is the "foolishness" of God that gets our attention.  It's the transcendence of God that stirs our hearts.  It's the "otherworldliness" of Jesus that moves us most.  Consider this:  do we really want to listen to and believe in someone who simply affirms everything we already think we know?

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