Friday, March 24, 2017

     It's an odd contrast, really:  the first week of spring and the third week of Lent.  Joy reborn and darkness without relent.  This dichotomy is perhaps encapsulated in some words from Psalm 22, spoken by Jesus as he hung on the cross.
     "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" he said.  Betrayed by one of his disciples, condemned by a farcical trial, scourged until flesh hung like ribbons from his back, and nailed to a wooden cross, Jesus felt totally alone and abandoned, even by God.  Shorn of all spiritual connection, wallowing in unremitting depths of darkness and despair, Jesus was separated from life itself.
     As the psalm continues, however, we read, "But you [God] are holy and enthroned on the praises of Israel; in you our fathers trusted . . . and you delivered them."  Indeed. God understands that, in the biggest possible picture, Spring, rebirth and new life, will prevail.  If we believe, our Spring will be forever.  God is a God of Spring.
     If not, why would Jesus have chosen to die?
     By the way, because it is Spring, I will be traveling next week.  See you in April!

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