Friday, March 10, 2017

     Amidst my travels last week, I noticed that March 8th, two days ago, was International Women's Day.  It's definitely an occasion to celebrate.  After all, it's no secret that, historically, women have frequently been relegated to second place status in almost every area of human existence and that, moreover, this continues to happen, too much, today.
     It's time, indeed, way past time to remedy this malady.

International Women's Day
     And God would agree.  If we examine the verbs the writer of Genesis uses to describe the creation of man and woman, we see why.
     The verb used to describe God's creation of Adam is a fairly common one.  It connotes a general act of making or creating.  It presents the creative act as a rather casual one, as if God put together Adam from various parts he found as he wandered to and fro through the universe (although he really did not).
     The verb used to describe the creation of Eve is very different.  Used far less frequently, it is a verb that presents creation as a very systematic, thoughtful, and carefully constructed act, as if the creator--God--is working from a blueprint, a very complex activity.     
     What does this tell us?  That although God created man and woman, he did so in different ways.  While the man is infinitely important, the woman is the most complex creature in all of creation.  Why?  Out of the two beings that comprise the human species, only she is able to give birth to human offspring, living, viable beings made in the image of God.  Only woman can sustain the human race.
     And this is more than enough reason to laud and celebrate women.  Clearly, if not for our mothers, none of us would be here today.  If not for women, not one person would be able to enjoy this existence.
     Most importantly, if not for women, none of us would have opportunity to find God.

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