Monday, May 8, 2017

     Regrettably, I did not have opportunity to post last Friday.  But I will do so now because Friday, May 5, is an important day for Mexicans all around the world.  It's Cinco de Mayo.  Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of freedom, the freedom of liberation, the freedom of knowing that one's oppressors are no longer standing over one's lives, dictating one's every move.  It upholds human dignity.

Image result for cinco de mayo
     Although freedom is a slippery term, subject to all manner of interpretation, we can at least agree that in its most fundamental form, freedom is essential to being fully human.  And while many of us hold many varying attitudes, some positive, some otherwise, toward Mexicans, if we insist that we care about humanity, we cannot help but rejoice on Cinco de Mayo. Moreover, if we go further and contend that we are people of faith, people who believe in a loving God, we deman that God when we parody or criticize, in any way, this day.
     We cannot laud freedom when we despise those who legitimately exercise it. 

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