Monday, May 1, 2017

     Today is the first day of May.  I will reserve for tomorrow comment on the significance of this day for the global labor movement.  Today, however, I share some of the wisdom of the prophet Jeremiah.  In the seventeenth chapter of his lengthy comments about the spirituality of ancient israel, Jeremiah, surely drawing from Psalm 1, observes that, "A person who trusts in the Lord will be like a tree planted by the water that extends its roots by the stream."
Image result for tree by stream photo
     It's difficult to trust in God.  It's difficult to trust what we cannot see.  It's hard to learn about what does not seem to physical attest to his presence.  Yet as I have noted countless times, the nature of who we are and the subjective activity of the world daily testifies to God's existence.  And if God is indeed there, why should we hesitate to trust him?
     We are trees in this life, yes, but only as we plant ourselves in the life out of which this life came will we find the real joys of the stream.

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