Tuesday, June 6, 2017

     Sacred.  I find much to like in how some of many indigenous native friends around the planet see the sacred.  For instance, if we travel out of the Western world and across the vast stretches of the Pacific Ocean, we come eventually to the island nation of Samoa.
Image result for ocean photos     As people of the ocean, the Samoans have a special word for it.  The ocean is vasa. Vasa means "sacred space."  For the Samoans, the ocean is a sacred space, a living and breathing entity that connects all the islands of the Pacific.  The ocean is the integrating element of all that, for the peoples of Oceania, is vital and true.  It speaks of togetherness, it speaks of transcendence, it speaks of formative and seminal meaning. The ocean, the sacred space, holds life together.
     In our frenetic Western world of busyness and technology, we overlook how important--and implicit--the sacred is in our lives.  Take some time today.  Take some time to look at a photograph of the ocean (or if you are fortunate enough to live near the sea, take a moment to gaze upon it).  Take some time to consider how critical it is that we have a center, a space, a land to which we can go and find meaning, insight, guidance, and peace.  Take time for the sacred.
     And realize that we would not even entertain such things were it not for us being spiritual beings created by a spiritual God.  Step into the sacredness of who you are.

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