Friday, June 9, 2017

Adam and Eve Oil Painting - Lucas The Younger Cranach     How old are we?  The announcement a couple of days ago of the discovery, in Morocco, of a homo sapien skull calculated to be 300,000 years old should make all of us think.  In particular, those of us who affirm the biblical account that humanity emerged from a single man and woman ought to wonder why this skull is as old as it appears to be. From whom did we really come?  And from where?
     Although I readily attest to the essential truth of the biblical account, I'm also willing to embrace the prevailing scientific consensus.  Where do these meet?  Without denying the biblical narrative, I will say that the most important thing is to hold to a divinely ordered creation.  God is a big God, and God can use all manner of earthly activity and circumstance to work his vision for the human species.
     And apart from affirming a divinely ordered creation, we have no way to understand why we're even here.  We have no way to comprehend why we are the way we are, even why we and the universe exist.
     Old, young; it doesn't much matter.  God, no God, however, matters more than anything else.

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