Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Image result for mosque photos     As Muslims around the world continue their celebration of Ramadan, which will end in a few days, we remain horrified at the latest atrocity perpetrated upon some of their number.  A couple of days ago, a man from Wales drove his truck into a crowd of Muslims leaving their London mosque after Ramadan prayers.  Although, happily, no one was killed, many were severely injured and remain hospitalized. 
Image result for church photosThe incident reminds me of a recent conversation I had with a person who pastors a church in the city of Chicago.  He related to me how, as he was walking to the church, a car pulled up in front of the church entrance, and some people inside aimed their guns at a young man about to enter the sanctuary.  He died on the spot, right outside his chosen house of worship.
     We may disagree with Islam, we may disagree with Christianity, but we mar, even obliterate our common humanity when we injure and kill those who are following any religion's precepts in peace and good will.  Attacks on people of religion are attacks on all of us.  They undermine who we are, creatures made in the image of a good God who has enabled people to choose, freely and unhindered, their life path.  Who are we to judge?
     Pray for these Muslims, pray for their brethren.  Pray for Christians, too.  Pray for peace on our planet.
     As Jesus said so eloquently many centuries ago, "Blessed are the peacemakers."

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