Thursday, November 2, 2017

     "Faith," Augustine once observed, "seeks understanding."  It seems counterintuitive, does it not?  Isn't it better that we seek first to understand and, subsequently, if we still do not understand everything, turn to faith, of some kind, to keep going?

Image result for augustine     In most areas of life, this is undoubtedly true.  Modern science is built upon the premise that we ought to seek understanding in all arenas of human existence.  And we should.
     Yet as Martin Luther pointed out in contending that we ultimately find God by faith, so did Augustine rightly note that although we will understand many things through observing the world, we will not understand God until we admit that, on the basis of the material world--absent revelation--only, we cannot.
     In all material affairs, yes, seek to understand.  In matters of the spirit, however, understand that you must believe first.
     And God will open himself to you.  To believe is to understand.  Everything.

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