Tuesday, November 7, 2017

     "Who knows that the breath of humans ascends upwards, and the breath of other animals descends downwards?"  In this verse from Ecclesiastes, we see the essence of faith.  As we continue to recoil from the horrific mass shooting at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, we weep.  We weep deeply for those who are lost, for those who must put their lives back together in the wake of loss.  It's unbearably tragic.
     Yet as many of the survivors said, "We have faith that they are in heaven.  And we will see them soon."  They believe that the "breath of humans ascends upward."  They believe that their loved ones are living, again, this time for eternity.
     It all comes down to faith.  In Jesus' resurrection, we have the evidence.  And in our hearts, we have the response.
     Ah, faith.  So simple, yet so unspeakably complex.

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